BiONE Cryptocurrency Exchange Overview, Markets and Other Information

Overview, Markets and Information
$ 800,556,468
24h Trading Volume
Ƀ 28,561
24h Trading Volume (BTC)
Founded in 2018 and registered in Singapore, BiONE is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange with offices and team members in the US, Canada, China, and Taiwan. BiONE's mission is to provide a secure platform for cryptocurrency traders and offer tools to help them make informed decisions on their trades. The core of the team comes from a traditional finance and programming background. BiONE features low transaction fees, fast deposits/withdrawals and supports crypto to crypto.

BiONE features a technology and operations team dedicated to making the platform safe, stable, and efficient for its global users. BiONE follows ISO 270001 + CCSS + NIST framework standards to keep its clients' digital assets secure. Hot wallets contain only the necessary amounts of cryptocurrency while most of the cryptocurrency is stored offline in cold wallets.

BiONE can be accessed via the website or by way of mobile applications.
Year Established2018
Has Trading IncentiveNo
BiONE Markets
CoinPairVolumeVolume (BTC)Volume (USD)Volume %
BitcoinBTC/USDT4,726Ƀ 4,730$ 132,685,49716.57%
EthereumETH/USDT74,378Ƀ 4,677$ 131,197,74316.39%
RippleXRP/USDT228,626,347Ƀ 3,139$ 88,050,44411.00%
BinancecoinBNB/USDT259,124Ƀ 3,108$ 87,177,19510.89%
DogecoinDOGE/USDT580,879,945Ƀ 1,501$ 42,122,7175.26%
LitecoinLTC/USDT463,659Ƀ 1,314$ 36,865,1194.60%
OmisegoOMG/USDT12,430,878Ƀ 875$ 24,552,4713.07%
EthereumETH/BTC12,008Ƀ 755$ 21,202,0062.65%
Matic NetworkMATIC/USDT15,389,459Ƀ 613$ 17,217,6862.15%
TronTRX/USDT226,381,836Ƀ 533$ 14,976,3341.87%